Travel Photography

angkor, cambodia, cameras, Lenses, opinons, thoughts, photography, pictures, public, street, Travel, voluntary, war

Camera Body




Camera Bag


Don’t forget the smaller items that can be just as crucial:

  • Extra batteries and memory cards to ensure you don’t miss a shot.
  • A cleaning kit to keep your lens and sensor spotless.
  • A remote shutter release for those extra-long exposures or self-portraits.


  1. Research Your Destination: Before setting foot on your adventure, research your destination thoroughly. Understand the geography, the culture, and the people. Look for those unique spots that offer more than just a pretty picture but tell a story about the place.
  2. Know Your Gear: Familiarize yourself with your camera and its capabilities. Practice using different settings and understand how to adjust them for various lighting conditions. Remember, the best camera is the one you know how to use effectively.
  3. Create a Shot List: Plan your shots ahead of time. While spontaneity can lead to great photos, having a shot list ensures you don’t miss out on those must-have images. Include a variety of shots, from wide landscapes to intimate portraits.
  4. Consider the Light: The ‘Golden Hour’—just after sunrise or before sunset—offers the most flattering light for photography. Plan your schedule around these times to capture the most beautiful images.
  5. Pack Smart: Traveling light is essential, but make sure you have all the necessary equipment. A sturdy tripod, extra batteries, and memory cards are just as important as your camera itself.
  6. Tell a Story: Aim to capture photos that convey a narrative. Whether it’s the hustle and bustle of a local market or the serene tranquillity of a secluded beach, your photos should evoke feelings and tell the story of your journey.
  7. Stay Safe: Always prioritize your safety and the security of your gear. Be aware of your surroundings and respectful of local customs and regulations.
  8. Post-Processing: Learn the basics of photo editing to enhance your images. Post-processing can turn a good photo into a great one, but remember to keep it subtle and not overdo the effects.
  9. Backup Your Photos: Regularly back up your images to avoid losing them. Whether it’s to a cloud service or an external hard drive, ensure you have multiple copies of your precious memories.
  10. Enjoy the Experience: While photography is your focus, don’t forget to put down the camera occasionally and soak in the experience. After all, the stories behind the photos are what truly enrich your travel experience.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to planning a travel photography trip that will yield a collection of images you’ll treasure for a lifetime. Remember, travel photography is as much about the journey as it is about the destination. So, plan well, stay curious, and capture the moments that resonate with your adventurous spirit. Happy travels and happy shooting!